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John Cooper Trust

Founded in the 17th century from a bequest from a Long Marston resident, it was originally to provide a basic education for boys. It covers 5 villages, Long Marston, Quinton, Pebworth. Dorsington and Welford and two Governors are appointed from each village to award the grants.

It has evolved over the last four centuries! At one it time funded a boys Grammar School in the house that is now Church Farm but is now used to provide a small sum three times a year for students over 18 who are on their first degree course. The funds are invested with the Charity Commissioners and only the income is distributed each year. Amounts can vary greatly according to the number of applicants but usually range from about £50 up to £100 per term.

Awards are made retrospectively so that we can ensure that any student is actually attending and we can have a progress report.

Meetings of the Governors are held in Long Marston Village Hall at 7.p.m on the third Wednesday of January, April and October when all applications are examined and determined.

Further information regarding eligibility and how to apply can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at