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Long Marston WI

Long Marston WI meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Village Hall.

Short business is followed by a speaker/demonstration, then a light supper ( tea/coffee sandwiches , cake), and time for a chat. Visitors are always welcome.

The WI organises the Village Annual Flower and Produce Show, holds an annual car rally, a Christmas party and at least 2 outings a year to places of interest eg. National Trust Houses. There is always the opportunity to join Warwickshire Federation on their trips and educational events etc.

The WI holds regular coffee mornings in the Village Hall to coincide with the visit of the mobile library. Long Marston WI is responsible for compiling the village history.

President – Carol Watts
Vice President – Nina Drummings
Hon Sec – Liz Marcuse
Hon Treasurer – Jackie Johnson